Inclusive Education and Music Strategies
Course Price
350 euros
Course length
35 Hours

Potheini Vaiouli
Potheini holds an MA in Music Therapy (New York University) and a PhD in Special Education (Indiana University, Bloomington). Her research interests converge around social, emotional, and academic growth of young children with autism and other neurodevelopmental disabilities. Her research projects have focused primarily on the role of music in social communication skills (preverbal and verbal communication) and emotional development of young children with autism and their families. Potheini is experienced in mixed methods research design, she has collaborated with interdisciplinary teams and has extensive experience teaching and supervising undergraduate and graduate students. Currently, Potheini is a Special Scientist for research (postdoctoral researcher) at the Center for Applied Neuroscience (CAN), University of Cyprus. Parallel she offers music therapy sessions to children and families in Cyprus. She has also a very good experience in E.U projects.
About the course
This course is designed for educators working at inclusive early childhood settings (3-8 years old) with and without prior musical knowledge. It focuses on the notion of disability as a social construct, the continuum of inclusion along with strategies and musical ideas that may enhance the implementation of best inclusive practices in the classroom.
The venue: The course will take place in Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus. During the course there will be some visits in schools. The transportation expenses are included in the fees.
Gain familiarity with history of inclusion.
Gain insights on legislation and policies on inclusion.
Explore key principles of UDL.
Understand music as a teaching tool in the inclusive setting.
Gain hands-on experience on lesson planning with music activities.
A variety of methods will be implemented in order to give both theoretical and practical support to the teachers. The participants will have the opportunity to participate in lectures, workshops, team activities, case studies and visits to real classes in order to have an integrated training.
Getting to know each another: Ice-breaking activities
Lecture: Disability as a social construct within the scope of diversity & inclusion:
Theories behind the importance of music making in early childhood
Group work: Collaborative concept mapping: What is an inclusive classroom?
-Examine full inclusion versus partial inclusion
-Explore musical resources, supports for learning
Lecture: Legal frameworks of inclusive education
Group work: Practical workshop: Debate over Brook’s case
-Identify the role and responsibilities for school and the teachers
-Explore opportunities for collaboration with families
-Understand differences for placements in inclusive education
Lecture: Teaching and learning: challenges through music in the classroom & collaboration with the families
Experiential Workshop: Music strategies, ideas and singing as part of lesson planning
Interactive presentation:
Universal Design of Learning principles
Implement UDL principles in lesson planning with emphasis on music
Hands-on experience on choice of music, embedding the activities throughout the classroom’s routine.
Reflection: What is inclusion and what does it take to make it work?
Award ceremony!
Dates of courses 2021
25 - 29 January
15 - 19 March
24 - 28 May
26 - 30 July
25 - 29 October